Max Lucado - When You Battle the Lure of Lust

Max Lucado

Week 8 of Think About What You Think About . A message by Max Lucado....

Max Lucado - Where the Soul Goes to Die

Max Lucado

Week 13 of In the What's Next: Understanding Heaven’s Timeline. A sermon series featuring Max Lucado...

Max Lucado - When You Battle With Guilt

Max Lucado

Week 5 of Think About What You Think About . A message by Max Lucado....

Max Lucado - UFOs

Max Lucado

Week 2 of Think About What You Think About. A message by Max Lucado...

Max Lucado - The Rebel and the Rescue

Max Lucado

Today we’re continuing our study on the end times. What purpose does the rapture serve? How can I believe that it will take place? Those are the questions we’re beginning to answer today…...

Max Lucado - The Prayerful Life

Max Lucado

Today we’re talking about one of the most profound parts of a life of faith: prayer. When Jesus taught about prayer in the Sermon on the Mount, he emphasized simplicity and humility. If you’ve ever struggled with how to approach God in prayer or...

Max Lucado - The Crowns and The Crimson

Max Lucado

This week we continue our study of heaven’s timeline, we’re looking at the second coming of Christ. It won’t be like the first. Baby Jesus, sleeping in the manger – this is a familiar image. But it’s not the image of Christ’s return. When he comes...

Max Lucado - The 7:47 Principle

Max Lucado

You see, we try to love out of our own ‘power’. But without the help of Jesus, we can’t. He loved us so much that He gave His life for all sinners. In order for us to love and forgive others, we have to live a life loved. We have to acknowledge that...

Max Lucado - People of Paradise

Max Lucado

In this special episode Max Lucado shares an exclusive preview of Chapter 6 of Max’s new book, What Happens Next....

Max Lucado - Millenni-What

Max Lucado

What do you know about the millennium? The 1,000 year reign of Christ as described in revelation. Maybe you’ve never heard of it, maybe you’re confused by the thought of it, maybe you don’t understand the purpose of it, or maybe you’re fascinated by...

Max Lucado - Lying

Max Lucado

A Message by Max Lucado entitled: Lying...

Max Lucado - Love Keeps No List of Wrongs

Max Lucado

A Message by Max Lucado entitled: Love Keeps No List of Wrongs...

Max Lucado Sermons