Rick Renner - The Sign of the End of the World

Rick Renner

Join Rick as he teaches from Matthew 24 on what is the sign of the end of the world....

Rick Renner - Your Faith Will Cause Division

Rick Renner

When walking in faith, people will develop opinions about what you're doing. Join Rick Renner as he shows you how to navigate others' opinions....

Rick Renner - You Can Be Free of a Spirit of Fear

Rick Renner

Rick Renner shares how the reign of Nero caused many to fear, but this fire of persecution revealed what was really in the hearts of the Early Christians....

Rick Renner - You Are My Refuge and Fortress

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner as he teaches you that the truths of Psalm 91 will never be as real to you as when you personalize each verse as a declaration of faith....

Rick Renner - Will It Happen Again?

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner as he teaches about Matthew 24 and how Jesus prophesied that the last days before His return would mirror the days of Noah in Genesis 6....

Rick Renner - Widespread Violence

Rick Renner

Rick Renner explains another sign of the last days and reveals what Second Timothy says about widespread violence at the end of the age in this program!...

Rick Renner - Why Should You Speak Speak in Tongues

Rick Renner

In today's program, Rick Renner explains why speaking in tongues is so important and its effect on the success of your prayer life....

Rick Renner - Who Would Claim to Be an Apostle

Rick Renner

Power and mighty deeds are marks of a genuine apostle, but why would anyone claim to be an apostle if he or she was not one? Find out today....

Rick Renner - Who Were the Sons of God

Rick Renner

The "sons of God" described in Genesis referred to fallen angels united in rebellion against God. Learn more about this in today's powerful program!...

Rick Renner - Who Was Demas

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner as he uses the parable of the sower and the seed to illustrate who Demas was and explore why he left his faith in today's program....

Rick Renner - What Is Real Transformation

Rick Renner

Inward transformation precedes outward transformation. Join Rick Renner as he explains how to start the process of real transformation!...

Rick Renner - What Is God's Will

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner as he explores the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God and what it means for you in this program....

Rick Renner Sermons