Rick Renner - Give No Place to the Devil

In Ephesians 4:27, the Bible says, “Neither give place to the devil.” The word “place” means a physical location. It comes from the Greek word “topos” where we get the English word “topography” as in a topographical map. The devil is looking for a location, an open door, a crack or a window, to gain an entrance into your life. For example, a crack can be getting into strife. At first, you may think it’s not a big deal but then you look around and notice something has gone wrong that wasn’t there before you allowed strife to enter in. That is a “topos” — ground that you’ve yielded. But the Bible also says, we aren’t ignorant of the devil’s devices. Once we realize what’s going on, and the Lord will show you, we simply repent and the crack is sealed. Then we learn from that experience, become vigilant to guard against it happening again and we step right back into the victory! Tune into tonight’s Home Group to learn more about this vital subject.
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Rick Renner - The Wiles and Devices of the Devil
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Rick Renner - Stay in Your Place of Faith
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Rick Renner - The Devil Recognizes Authority
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Rick Renner - Just Keep Treading
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Rick Renner - Who the Devil Is and What He Does
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