Rick Renner - The Attitude of Jesus Christ

It was likely that Paul, while in a Roman prison, was at such a point that he had to choose to keep on living. But then he received a new supply of the Spirit and kept on living and ministering! When you receive a new supply of the Spirit, it changes your attitude. It may not change your situation, but it will change YOU so that you can deal with your situation. Often our attitude toward the situation will begin to change before the situation changes. There is a spiritual principle there: Things happen in the spiritual realm before they manifest in the physical realm. We can have victory in prayer before we actually see the manifestation of the victory. And when you begin to receive that seed of faith, don’t let what you see steal your victory! Tune in to Home Group tonight to learn more about this dynamic principle from the Word of God!
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Rick Renner - An Appointment in Your Living Room
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Rick Renner - Embracing Change
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Rick Renner - The Attitude Required To Get Out of Your Trap
Rick Renner - The Attitude Required To Get Out of Your Trap
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