Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 that in the last of the last days, increased seismic activity will take place globally and a vast number of earthquakes will be felt in various places all across the earth. This is a major sign that Christ’s return is near. Jesus said there will also be monstrous events or signs taking place in the sky and descending to the earth. Our generation is going to see things in the heavens on a global scale that no other generation has ever seen before. Tune in to tonight’s Home Group to learn more about these specific signs.
Rick Renner - Defining Signs
16-06-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Signs from the Heavens
28-06-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Wars and Rumors of Wars
7-07-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - The End-time Clock is Ticking
1-07-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Signs of Christ's Next Coming
11-04-2022, 01:24, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - The Ultimate Sign
12-08-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - 25 Signs of the Last Days
19-01-2025, 16:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - What Signs Should Be Following You?
23-04-2023, 07:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Strong Delusion
29-06-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Monster Appearances
22-01-2025, 12:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Signs on a Prophetic Road
28-06-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - Lying Signs and Wonders
2-02-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Robert Jeffress - Signs Of The Times
15-08-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Rick Renner - Signs That a Church Is in Trouble
14-12-2021, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - The 'I AM' Generation
4-01-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - The Spiritual Climate Today
11-08-2022, 18:00, Rick Renner
Robert Jeffress - Early Warning Signs
21-11-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Rick Renner - The Signs of the Times - Part 3
18-07-2021, 23:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - End-Times Questions Answered
11-04-2022, 00:03, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - God's Place for You
24-09-2022, 18:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - The Signs of the Times - Part 4
18-07-2021, 23:30, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - More Signs of a Genuine Apostle
22-01-2025, 13:00, Rick Renner
Rick Renner - The Signs of the Times - Part 1
18-07-2021, 22:00, Rick Renner
Jonathan Bernis - Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs