God created us to enjoy life. If we’re not enjoying life, there’s a blockage stemming from our actions, attitudes or attacks of the Enemy.
God created us to enjoy life. Galatians 5:22–23 says that joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. We do not work to produce fruit; we bear the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces. If we’re not bearing the fruit of joy, it’s because there’s a blockage, or hindrance, in our lives. Like Simon in Acts 8:9–24, we may be “poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.” There are three main blockages that can be present in our lives. These are related to our actions, our attitudes and the Enemy’s attacks.
a. Actions – Repeated habits or sins in our lives (iniquities) that are inconsistent with the character of God. These behaviors grieve the Holy Spirit. b. Attitudes – May be poisoned by bitterness, which grows when experiences leave “a sour taste in our mouths” and we don’t spit it out (forgive). c. Attacks – These actions and attitudes may leave an open door through which the Enemy has greater access to attack us.
All three of these things hinder, or block, the joy that is available to us through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
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Joyce Meyer - Understanding Gifts vs Fruit - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Bearing Fruit During Hard Times - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Understanding Gifts vs Fruit - Part 1
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Robert Morris - Receiving the Holy Spirit
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Charles Stanley - The Attractive Quality of Kindness
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Benny Hinn - How to Develop the Fruit of the Spirit
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Robert Morris - Pentecost
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Robert Jeffress - Attitude Is Everything
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