What does it mean to be an intercessor? Pastor Robert shows that intercession means bringing two sides together. When we pray prayers of intercession, we help bring God’s will to earth.
Intercession is the act of bringing two sides together. Jesus and the Holy Spirit intercede for us. We are to pray the prayer of intercession, helping to bring God’s will to the earth.
Romans 8:34 says that Jesus is always at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us. This doesn’t mean that He is constantly praying. Intercession is not a prayer, but an action. To intercede literally means to bring two sides together. Jesus did the work of intercession on the cross, building a bridge so that sinful humanity could be reconciled with a holy God. Jesus is always interceding, bringing together heaven and earth.
Romans 8:26–27 says that the Holy Spirit helps us and makes intercession for us according to the will of God. In this verse, the word “helps” means to come together and mutually bear a burden. When we are burdened, the Holy Spirit wants to join forces with us and help us carry the burden to the Lord through prayer. We can’t live a vibrant Christian life without the Holy Spirit because He is our Helper. He knows God’s will, and is trying to bring our will and God’s will together.
We don’t do the work of intercession, but we can pray the prayer of intercession (1 Timothy 2:1). We are the conduits for the will of God to get to earth. When we intercede for someone, we first “take hold” of God by thanking Him, praising Him and declaring His word. Then we “take hold” of the person that we’re interceding for and bring them before God. Since Jesus has and lives to always make intercession for us, and the Holy Spirit is interceding for us and helping us to intercede, we need to be interceding for others. We are to be intercessors, bringing heaven to earth.
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