Passover reminds us of when the angel of death passed over the homes marked with the blood of the Lamb. The Feast of Passover included unleavened bread and firstfruits, and Jesus fulfilled both at Passover. Jesus is the unleavened bread and firstfruits offering. Pastor Robert kicks off a new series, Passover to Pentecost, with an Easter message about the life-changing significance of Passover in our lives today.
1. The Festival. The Jewish people were commanded to come to Jerusalem for Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles, which included planting, firstfruits, and harvesting. God wanted His people to come together and celebrate. The day after the Sabbath, the Jewish people were to wave a firstfruit offering, and this is the day Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus Christ is our Passover, our Unleavened Bread, and our Firstfruit.
2. The Meal. In Luke 22:15, the word “Passover” is referring to a meal. The Last Supper was a Passover meal. In John 6:56, the word “abide” refers to Jesus abiding in us and us abiding in Him. We abide in Jesus and He abides in us when we publicly confess that He is the Son of God. Jesus doesn’t want us to be secret disciples. Jesus died for us publicly and we should confess Him publicly.
3. The Lamb. The lamb was to be set apart four days before Passover. Jesus entered Jerusalem four days before Passover. God provided a lamb for every family. If a family was too poor, then they shared another family’s lamb. The priest didn’t examine the man, instead the priest examined the lamb. The blood on the doorpost in the form of the cross represents Jesus’ hands, feet, and crown of thorns. Jesus is our Passover lamb.