True faith is active. The disciples struggled with doubt, and Jesus needed to teach them how to have faith and believe. From their examples, we learn how important it is to believe Jesus is God, believe He loves us, and believe we love Him even when we make a mistake. Pastor Robert shares three keys to strengthening our faith in Jesus.
1. Believe Jesus is God. Jesus stayed on earth forty days after the Resurrection so He could strengthen His disciples’ faith. Still, it took the disciples time to believe Jesus had risen. After Jesus cast the demon out of the boy in Mark 9, He told the father and the disciples that the key was to have faith and believe. If you want to grow your faith, you need to put action to your faith. You don’t get faith by sitting around; you get faith by pressing into God.
2. Believe Jesus loves you. Many people have a hard time believing God loves them because they feel unlovable. The truth is that God loves every person because God is love. John knew Jesus loved him, and he was the only disciple that immediately believed Jesus rose from the dead before he saw Him. John’s Gospel is the only one that mentions Jesus’ new commandment for us to love one another (John 13:34).
3. Believe you love Jesus. In John 21, Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Jesus asked several times not because He didn’t know Peter loved Him but because He wanted Peter to believe it himself. Even though we have all denied Jesus in one way or another (like Peter), Jesus wants us to make the declaration that we love Him. Then enemy tries to discourage us when we mess up, but we need to take those moments to declare our love for Jesus.
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Robert Morris - He Is Risen Indeed
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Robert Morris - Benefits of the Resurrection
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Kenneth Copeland - Pray Believing God's Love for You
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#550 - Joseph Prince - The Key To Robust Faith - Part 1
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Robert Morris - Waiting for the Promise
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Robert Morris - Believe in Jesus
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#278 - Joseph Prince - Rest In Jesus' Faith For Miracles
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith In The Name Of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - How to Develop Your Faith in the Name of Jesus
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Charles Stanley - Advancing in Faith
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Charles Stanley - The Stages of Faith
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Creflo Dollar - The True Meaning of Obedience - Part 2
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#644 - Joseph Prince - The Key To Victorious Living - Part 2
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Robert Morris - What's Stopping You?
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Bill Winston - Unshakeable Faith
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#549 - Joseph Prince - Give Me This Mountain - Part 4
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Andy Stanley - Easter Matters
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Doubt To Faith
1-01-2022, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
#214 Joseph Prince - Grace Supplies, Love Gives, Faith Takes