Robert Jeffress - Value God's Day: The Fourth Commandment

More space is devoted to the fourth commandment than any other. Yet, many Christians believe that this is the one commandment that has no application for Christians today since we “live under grace, not under the law.” Today, we will discover why God gave this commandment which is vital to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Robert Jeffress - Worship The True God: The Second Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Worship The True God: The Second Commandment
2-02-2025, 15:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Revere God's Name: The Third Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Revere God's Name: The Third Commandment
2-02-2025, 16:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Keep Marriage Holy: The Seventh Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Keep Marriage Holy: The Seventh Commandment
2-02-2025, 20:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Respect The Property of Others: The Eighth Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Respect The Property of Others: The Eighth Commandment
2-02-2025, 21:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Control Yourself and Be Content: The Tenth Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Control Yourself and Be Content: The Tenth Commandment
2-02-2025, 23:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Esteem God Alone: The First Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Esteem God Alone: The First Commandment
2-02-2025, 14:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Preserve Life: The Sixth Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Preserve Life: The Sixth Commandment
2-02-2025, 19:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Honor Your Parents: The Fifth Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Honor Your Parents: The Fifth Commandment
2-02-2025, 18:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Safeguard The Reputation of Others: The Ninth Commandment
Robert Jeffress - Safeguard The Reputation of Others: The Ninth Commandment
2-02-2025, 22:00, Robert Jeffress
Jeff Schreve - The Commandment with a Promise
Jeff Schreve - The Commandment with a Promise
10-01-2025, 23:00, Jeff Schreve
Kenneth Copeland - Walking In The Commandment of Love
Kenneth Copeland - Walking In The Commandment of Love
28-02-2025, 01:00, Kenneth Copeland
Robert Morris - Take the Day Off
Robert Morris - Take the Day Off
6-04-2021, 00:00, Robert Morris
Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex
Jeff Schreve - The Sacredness of Sex
11-01-2025, 04:30, Jeff Schreve
Carter Conlon - A New Commandment
Carter Conlon - A New Commandment
26-07-2022, 10:00, Carter Conlon
Jeff Schreve - Hallowed Be Thy Name
Jeff Schreve - Hallowed Be Thy Name
10-01-2025, 16:00, Jeff Schreve
David Jeremiah - What Is the Greatest Commandment?
David Jeremiah - What Is the Greatest Commandment?
29-03-2021, 17:20, David Jeremiah
Jeff Schreve - The Sabbath and the Christian
Jeff Schreve - The Sabbath and the Christian
11-01-2025, 04:00, Jeff Schreve
Robert Morris - The Principle of Contentment
Robert Morris - The Principle of Contentment
13-09-2021, 00:00, Robert Morris
Jeff Schreve - The Heart of Murder
Jeff Schreve - The Heart of Murder
11-01-2025, 03:00, Jeff Schreve
Bill Winston - The Power of Love - Part 1
Bill Winston - The Power of Love - Part 1
10-08-2021, 19:00, Bill Winston
Jeff Schreve - What's Yours is Mine
Jeff Schreve - What's Yours is Mine
11-01-2025, 10:00, Jeff Schreve
Robert Jeffress - Come Into This House
Robert Jeffress - Come Into This House
21-10-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Sin Unto Death
Robert Jeffress - Sin Unto Death
21-10-2021, 03:30, Robert Jeffress
Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Spiritual Surgery
Robert Jeffress - Good Grace Spiritual Surgery
31-12-2021, 03:00, Robert Jeffress