Sid Roth - An End-Time Vision from Last Living Link to Azusa Street

Jody Keck says surrender to God is just an encounter away. That doesn’t mean it’s easy, but take a deep breath. Every believer can experience God in this realm, and it will change you.

Even if it’s our nature to cling to our comfort zone, we need the God-kind of change. We just can’t do it without Him. So you need God, and He is always ready. For you, that means new levels of change-growth-healing-repentance, AND personal relationship comes with it!

Jody’s lessons also give context to newly-released River of Zion, Tommy Welchel’s written testimony of God’s miracles displayed at the Azusa Street revival—over 100 years ago! Need a mighty move of God in your life? Tommy’s testimony of those mighty works will feed your spirit to receive it. That is the heart of Jody’s ministry today. We need more of God’s mighty works in our world, now!

Someone had to carry the testimony of Azusa Street.

Even our Gospels began with spoken testimonies before they were recorded in written form. For reasons unknown, Tommy Welchel came to be the person to hear firsthand the miraculous surviving accounts of the revival at Azusa Street. Only after many years did Tommy begin to share them.

Now, a century after Azusa Street, Tommy’s more recent witness was personally shared with Jody Keck. Tommy’s stories testify to the power and goodness of God and the unfulfilled revival spoken of by the prophet Joel.

Azusa Street was simply Jesus at work in our day, and like gospel accounts its stories have the power to bless you.

🔥 Learn the connection between Israel, Azusa Street and our emerging moment in history.

More than that, the promise of Israel’s destiny from the prophet Joel’s words give The River of Zion a place in the prophetic purposes of God. Those purposes include you, Israel and the millions of believers soon to enter the Kingdom. Jody Keck believes those God encounters are are meant to be part of your testimony. Come on! Take a deep breath…
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Benny Hinn - My Miracle Testimony and Yours, Part 2
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