Sid Roth - Your Healing Is Paid In Full with Art Thomas
This week on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Art Thomas went from zero miracles to over 3,000 miracles in five years. Sometimes 100% of the people are healed in his meetings. He even lets others do the praying. What is God up to?
Sid Roth - You Must Hear What Jesus Told Me in Heaven with Art Thomas
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Sid Roth - Creative Miracles Still Happen
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Sid Roth - Amazing Healing Stories with LaDonna Osborn
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Sid Roth - A Night of Miracles with Keith Ellis
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Sid Roth - This Former Catholic Priest Sees Amazing Miracles with Dr. Francis Sizer
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Sid Roth - Paramedic Sees Miracles in the Ambulance on the Way to the Hospital
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Sid Roth - Miracles Skyrocket When People Get This Revelation
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Sid Roth - Supernatural X-Ray Vision Miracles
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Sid Roth - Supernatural Prayers to Change Your Life
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Sid Roth - How To Receive and Keep Your Healing
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Sid Roth - Manifesting Miracles from the Unseen Realm
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TD Jakes - Don't Drop The Mic with Reverend Dr. Frank A. Thomas, Part 2
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Sid Roth - Do You Need Healing? Start Doing This! with John and Janet Proodian
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Sid Roth - How To See More Miracles
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Sid Roth - Songs from Heaven
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Sid Roth - Miracle Explosion
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Sid Roth - Stone Me If You Don't See Miracles with Mike Francen
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Sid Roth - Ridiculous Miracles with Clarice Fluitt
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Jeff Schreve - The Doubts of Thomas
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Sid Roth - Want to See More Miracles? Here's How with David Turner
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Sid Roth - Miracles Exploded When He Discovered THIS Secret
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Sid Roth - Intimacy with God Creates a Life of Miracles with Katherine Ruonala