Sid Roth - I Was Shot Repeatedly But a Force Stopped the Bullets with Terry Mize

In this It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 1996: Terry Mize picked up a hitchhiker who tried to rob him. The hitchhiker pointed his gun at Terry and shot five times at pointblank range. Find out about the supernatural force that protected Terry!
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Sid Roth - God Reveals His Plans to Me in Vivid Detail
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Sid Roth - She Should Be in an Institution, But God Had a Better Plan with Theresa Kapler
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Sid Roth - God Stopped Me from Committing Suicide with Benita Morrisette
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Sid Roth - God Visits Me When I Do This
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Sid Roth - This Outlaw Biker Was Bound for Hell, Then Jesus Appeared to Him with Mac Gober
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Sid Roth - Supernatural Mentoring
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