Sid Roth - God Took Me to a Special Room in Heaven with Jeff Jansen
On this week's episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2017, God took Jeff Jansen to a special room in Heaven, and He wants to show you heavenly places too!
God is raising up believers who carry a radical anointing for miracles, signs and wonders…even raising the dead! Jeff Jansen is helping raise up these “carriers of Glory.” Is God speaking to you?
You Are a Citizen of Heaven, But Do You Know Your Rights? In The Believers’ Guide to Miracles, Impartation, Activation & Healing you will learn how to function as a citizen of Heaven and bring God’s healing and miracle power to the sick, lost and needy. Read it. Apply it around the world, your neighborhood, at home. See the power of God work through you in love.
Sid Roth - God Led Me Upstairs to a Special Room in Heaven
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Jeff Schreve - Heaven Can't Wait
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Jeff Schreve - Heaven, Prepared to be Amazed
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Jeff Schreve - What Do We See in Heaven?
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Jeff Schreve - When Heaven is on Your Horizon
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Jeff Schreve - The Meaning of Immanuel
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Sid Roth - Songs from Heaven
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Sid Roth - God Told Me Why Satan Was Allowed in Heaven
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Sid Roth - Jesus Wants You to Hear What He Told Me in Heaven with Kynan Bridges
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Sid Roth - These People Visit Heaven and See Each Other There
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Sid Roth - See the Manifest Glory of God with Joshua Mills
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Jeff Schreve - Will You See Adam and Eve in Heaven?
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Jeff Schreve - What Happens After Death?
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Sid Roth - Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind
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Sid Roth - Does Jesus Still Heal Crippled People
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Sid Roth - Impartation to Heal the Sick
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Sid Roth - Kevin Zadai Died. What Jesus Showed Him Will Amaze You
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Sid Roth - Expect a Miracle When You Watch This Video with Aliss Cresswell
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Sid Roth - How to Unlock Your Destiny in the Courts of Heaven with Robert Henderson