Sid Roth - People Get Healed When They Watch This Video with Randy Clark
On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2018: Randy Clark has seen thousands healed and he says everybody — that’s you — can learn to recognize God’s healing ways. And when they flow, get ready for your breakthrough!
How to Create THE Atmosphere for Healing Known for his prolific healing ministry, Randy Clark lays out his personal revelations on healing in his brand-new book, The Healing Breakthrough. Randy helps you recognize how God moves and heals. He sets out to stir up both your expectation AND your understanding of how to:
• Walk in the atmosphere of healing • Encounter the God of Glory with faith and expectation • Maintain unshakeable confidence • Free yourself from wrong thinking and unbelief
Randy wants the power of God to touch you. He also says God wants to work through you to heal others.
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