Sid Roth - I'm in Heaven and Jesus Says: I Want to Show You Something

Ryan Bruss saw Heaven. Then Jesus came to him and said, "I want to show you something." What Jesus showed Ryan changed his life forever.

Ryan Bruss says it’s easy to make the transition from passive to active in the Kingdom of God. It also activates God’s blessings! Talk about pleasing God! Ryan says there comes a moment when you realize God Himself is in you and He is ready to move.
Sid Roth - YOUR Future Depends on THIS with Ryan Bruss
Sid Roth - YOUR Future Depends on THIS with Ryan Bruss
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Sid Roth - What This Angel Showed Me in Heaven Will Blow You Away
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Sid Roth - Jesus Takes Rabbi to Heaven to Tell Him THIS
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Sid Roth - This Shocking Question from God Changed Everything
Sid Roth - This Shocking Question from God Changed Everything
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Sid Roth - God Sent Me Back from Heaven to Activate You in the Spirit with Kevin Zadai and Keith Ellis
Sid Roth - God Sent Me Back from Heaven to Activate You in the Spirit with Kevin Zadai and Keith Ellis
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Sid Roth - I Died. What God Showed Me in Heaven Will Shock You
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Amir Tsarfati - We Will be With Jesus Forever
Amir Tsarfati - We Will be With Jesus Forever
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Sid Roth - An Angel Visited Me Holding an Ancient Book
Sid Roth - An Angel Visited Me Holding an Ancient Book
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