My guests—Tracy Cooke and Emma Stark—are strong prophetic voices with timely words! Tracy shared what God showed him regarding the beginning of the virus, what the intention of it was and what is going to be coming soon for America, Israel and the world! Emma—a Celtic warrior who’s ferocious against the devil—shared what God is bringing to the earth in the midst of this pandemic.
Sid Roth - End Time Prophecies on Trump and Coronavirus
27-07-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - The Coronavirus and What Comes Next
17-08-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Tracy Cooke Saw Virus Created in Wuhan Lab
21-08-2021, 06:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - How To Hear the Prophetic Voice of God with Tracy Cooke
15-02-2021, 10:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Coronavirus Was Created to Destroy Trump. Tracy Cooke Prophecies
6-02-2021, 07:00, Sid Roth
Sid Roth - Coronavirus: When Will Things Go Back to Normal? - Tracy Cooke Prophecies