Sid Roth - A Witch Doctor Comes to My Meeting to Kill Me

Find out what happens when a witch doctor comes to Daniel Kolenda's meeting to kill him!

Ever slay a dragon? Daniel Kolenda says it’s not far-fetched at all in the spirit realm! It’s practical, and you’ve got everything it takes.

No matter what lies or thievery or heist the enemy would brazenly attempt, it doesn’t change your identity in God. You are a son, daughter, dragon slayer.

And what Daniel Kolenda has encountered on the field of fallen humanity will surely save you on the home field.

After witnessing more than 20 million salvations, Daniel now shares a new book, Slaying Dragons, to give you real-world examples of his encounters with spiritual darkness and demonstrate how “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:5, NIV).
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