Steven Furtick - When Life Feels Out Of Control

When life feels chaotic, God is still in control. In “When Life Feels Out Of Control,” Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church shows us how our experiences are often defined by the way we frame them. Will you frame yours with a lens of fear or a lens of faith?
Steven Furtick - Taking Control Of Your Mind
Steven Furtick - Taking Control Of Your Mind
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Steven Furtick - Stop Trying To Control The Timing
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Craig Groeschel - When Life Feels Out of Control
Craig Groeschel - When Life Feels Out of Control
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Steven Furtick - Let Go Of What You Can't Control
Steven Furtick - Let Go Of What You Can't Control
30-09-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Fear Control You
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Fear Control You
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Steven Furtick - This Is What A Miracle Feels Like
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18-02-2025, 03:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Let Go! You're Not in Control
Steven Furtick - Let Go! You're Not in Control
12-02-2025, 01:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Fear Control Your Story
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Fear Control Your Story
9-06-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - It's Okay To Be Scared
Steven Furtick - It's Okay To Be Scared
29-09-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Singleness, Sex and Self-Control
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19-05-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - You Are Not It
Steven Furtick - You Are Not It
22-04-2022, 17:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - When Better Feels Backwards
Steven Furtick - When Better Feels Backwards
26-03-2022, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - When Your Doubt Trips You Up
Steven Furtick - When Your Doubt Trips You Up
27-08-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - I Feel Like I'm Carrying This Alone
Steven Furtick - I Feel Like I'm Carrying This Alone
29-07-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - You Can't Let Others Control You
Steven Furtick - You Can't Let Others Control You
28-06-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - I Feel Numb
Steven Furtick - I Feel Numb
16-08-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - God, I Don't Understand
Steven Furtick - God, I Don't Understand
10-08-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - What It Means Is Up To Me
Steven Furtick - What It Means Is Up To Me
23-03-2022, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - The Rattle! Of Resurrection!
Steven Furtick - The Rattle! Of Resurrection!
1-03-2022, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Others Define You
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Others Define You
9-02-2025, 11:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Take The Lid Off A Little
Steven Furtick - Take The Lid Off A Little
14-02-2022, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - It Can't End Like This
Steven Furtick - It Can't End Like This
20-11-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Why Is This Taking So Long?
Steven Furtick - Why Is This Taking So Long?
10-07-2021, 13:00, Steven Furtick
Steven Furtick - Better Is Ahead
Steven Furtick - Better Is Ahead
9-02-2025, 00:00, Steven Furtick