Steven Furtick - Make Room For The New

There are some things in our life that bring us comfort. Like a favorite old sweatshirt, a predictable meeting schedule at work or a favorite late night snack. When something new enters our lives, a new boss, a new layout in the grocery store, or a stay-at-home order that interrupts everything, it can feel very much like a threat!

Pastor Steven Furtick of Elevation Church in Charlotte, NC presents us with Leviticus 26:10 which lays out a promise of blessing and favor to the people of Israel, “You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new...”

But what does that mean? We don’t want to make room for the new, do we? The old is comfortable, the old is what we know, the old has gotten us this far and things are good...aren’t they?

In this message, Pastor Steven presents us with Bible characters like Jonah and Tabitha (a little known character with a lot to teach us) in order to help us understand that, “Our tolerance for tension will determine our potential for growth.”

We believe that through this message you will learn how to remove limiting labels in your life and reject the lies that are keeping you from fully receiving all that God has for you. Hopefully, you’ll come away with a new perspective to help you embrace what’s new as a blessing from God rather than a threat to your comfort.

Make Room For The! God is doing a new thing in your life and you don’t want to be late.
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