Robert Jeffress - How Can I Prepare For My Journey to Heaven? Part 2

Robert Jeffress

Last week we began looking at six practical things we could do to prepare for our journey to that place called heaven....

Robert Jeffress - How Can I Prepare For My Journey to Heaven? Part 1

Robert Jeffress

As we wrap up our series on heaven this week and next, we are going to discover six essential preparations for every Christian’s inevitable journey to that "place called heaven."...

Robert Jeffress - Will Heaven Be The Same For Everyone? Part 2

Robert Jeffress

Last week we began discussing why every Christian’s experience in heaven will not be the same. While all Christians will escape God’s condemnation, they will not escape God’s evaluation of their lives....

Robert Jeffress - Will Heaven Be The Same For Everyone? Part 1

Robert Jeffress

Many people believe heaven will be a divine commune where everyone shares the same experience. But as we will discover today, the kind of heaven we experience in the next life will be determined by how we live as Christians in this life....

Robert Jeffress - Will We Know One Another In Heaven?

Robert Jeffress

One of the most frequently asked questions about heaven is, "Will we recognize one another in heaven?" Behind that question is an even more fundamental one: What will our bodies be like in heaven? Interestingly, the Bible gives many...

Robert Jeffress - Do People In Heaven Know What Is Happening On Earth?

Robert Jeffress

One of the most frequently asked questions about heaven concerns the extent to which the residents of heaven are aware what is happening on earth. How could we be happy in heaven if we saw the suffering of our loved ones on earth or the eternal...

Robert Jeffress - Who Will Be In Heaven?

Robert Jeffress

Jesus said, "I am the Way and the truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me". Yet people in today's all-inclusive culture try to claim that all religions lead to God. Well, today, I'm going to show you what...

Robert Jeffress - What Will We Do In Heaven?

Robert Jeffress

Many Christians are not that excited about the idea of heaven because they believe that in heaven they will be relegated to floating on a cloud plucking a harp or sitting in an unending church service for eternity. Today we will discover what...

Robert Jeffress - Do Christians Immediately Go To Heaven When They Die?

Robert Jeffress

What happens to Christians and non-Christians one second after they die? Do they cease to exist or go into an extended period of sleep awaiting some future judgment? Today we are going to examine what the Bible teaches about the immediate experience...

Robert Jeffress - Have Some People Already Visited Heaven?

Robert Jeffress

Many of today’s best-selling Christian books are accounts of people who died, visited heaven, and returned to life to recount all they had seen in the next world. Do such experiences provide reliable information about that "place called...

Robert Jeffress - Is Heaven A Real Place Or Is It A State Of Mind?

Robert Jeffress

Is heaven an actual location or simply a state of mind? If heaven is a physical destination, where is it located and what will it be like? Today we will turn to both the Old and New Testaments to discover the answers to those questions, and more, as...

Robert Jeffress - What Difference Does A Future Heaven Make In My Life Today?

Robert Jeffress

With all of the problems and pressures you may be facing in your life right now, you may be wondering how relevant a series on heaven is to your everyday existence. Today we begin our new series A Place Called Heaven by answering the foundational...