Louie Giglio - It's Time to Get Started

Louie Giglio

Eventually, we all have to have a Lift-Off moment in our lives. Yes, we need to prepare, to train, to rehearse, but if the lift-off never happens then it's possible we'll have wasted our journey around the Sun. Today can be the day that...

Louie Giglio - This is Us

Louie Giglio

None of us our on this journey around the Sun alone. 7+ Billion people share our planet, and the truth is that throughout the World, throughout your Country, and even in your Neighborhood and church are people who disagree with you on the matters...

Louie Giglio - An Astronaut's Perspective

Louie Giglio

Astronaut Shane Kimbrough has had a perspective that few people in history have ever beheld. He has traveled hundreds of thousands of miles, flown at mind-numbing speeds, and sat in the stillness of space above the Earth reading God's Word...

Louie Giglio - Boost or Bury

Louie Giglio

One time around the sun, 584 Million mile journey, what will be the banner over your journey this year? Will it be said about you that you grew in wisdom and stature? God has gifted you with opportunity, ability, and experience. This can be the year...

Louie Giglio - The Invitation is on the Table

Louie Giglio

What would it take for an invitation to wow you these days? With all of the access we have to entertainers, celebrities, and icons via social media, what invitation would seem worth it to interrupt your daily life? Most of us would jump at an...

Louie Giglio - Amazingly Small

Louie Giglio

We are amazingly small and undeniably significant. Need proof? The sheer size of our sun, an average star in an average galaxy, is evidence enough of our smallness. In comparison, the fact that the One who breathed out that very star chose to give...

Louie Giglio - Nothing is Ordinary

Louie Giglio

Right now, at this moment, the Earth with you on it is spinning on its axis at close to a thousand miles an hour. Today alone, you will travel over a million miles while screaming through space at 67,000 miles an hour. This year, filled with...