Kenneth Copeland - The Prayer of Agreement

Kenneth Copeland

Get in tune! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches about the prayer of agreement. Find out how to come together in agreement—just as a beautiful symphony—and God will assuredly be there to carry it out!...

Kenneth Copeland - How the Prayer of Agreement Works

Kenneth Copeland

Are you partnering in prayer? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland explains how the prayer of agreement works. Submit yourself and draw near to The LORD, as you allow Him to partner with you in agreement!...

Rick Renner - Prayer of Thanksgiving and Agreement

Rick Renner

Do you know what the prayer of thanksgiving and prayer of agreement are and how to use them? That is Rick Renner’s subject in today’s program....

Kenneth Copeland - The Prayer of Agreement and Faith

Kenneth Copeland

Whatever you ask in Jesus' Name--God will grant you! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer's Voice of Victory as he talks about the powerful prayer of agreement and faith. Learn what God's WORD says regarding this prayer and how it firmly...

TD Jakes - Coming Into Agreement

TD Jakes

Bishop T.D. Jakes teach on Coming Into Agreement - excerpt from The Power of Agreement, based on Hebrews 11:8-12 (KJV)...

Joel Osteen - The Power of Agreement

Joel Osteen

When you're believing to accomplish a dream, take your family to a new level, overcome an illness, you need people with bold faith. Not people that say, "I don't really see how that can happen. You really think you'll get well?...

Kenneth Copeland - The Prayer of Agreement for Healing

Kenneth Copeland

In this powerful Believer’s Voice of Victory episode, Kenneth Copeland shares an essential element in receiving your healing—agreement. He teaches the importance of living in agreement—not strife—with those around you as well as the power of the...

TD Jakes - The Power of Agreement

TD Jakes

When God makes a promise, the pathway won’t always be clear. Even with legitimate reasons to be concerned, you must come into agreement with God. Agreements don’t come easy — they require focus, commitment, and process. But you can’t come into...

Kenneth Copeland - Family Agreement Activates Powerful Faith

Kenneth Copeland

Is your family standing in agreement? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares how family agreement activates powerful faith for health, healing, finances, relationships and more. Discover how to loose the power of God in your...