David Barton - The Foundations of Law, Part 1

David Barton

How do we know the good from the bad? Where does the concept of law originate? What laws stand the test of time? Who should be writing our laws today?...

David Barton - Happy Birthday, America

David Barton

David Barton, the founder of Wall-Builders, shares a message titled “Happy Birthday, America!” where he discusses the faith-based roots of Independence Day....

David Barton - The Foundations of Law, Part 1

David Barton

Laws. They are designed to protect our freedoms, but not all laws are created equal....

David Barton - The Founders' Bible

David Barton

Modern day historians tell us our nation’s founding fathers were a diverse group of atheists, deists, and political revolutionaries. So where did they find the common ground and inspiration for the ideas that birthed America? Did their faith play a...

David Barton - Forgotten History

David Barton

"When history is taught accurately, we learn the good, the bad, and the ugly." –David Barton Society has done a good job at reminding America about its past failures and current problems. What we haven’t heard, however, is what America has...

David Barton - A Republic that Stands

David Barton

Throughout history, nations have experimented with various forms of government. From tyrannies and monarchies to democracies and republics, the world has witnessed the triumphs and failures of these governing institutions. So where does America fit...

David Barton - Great American Myths

David Barton

For many people studying our nation’s history, separating fact from fiction can be as confusing as the separation of church and state. From the Jefferson Bible to the Salem Witch Trial, it’s time to confront the good, the bad, and the ugly moments...

David Barton - One Nation Under God

David Barton

Polling shows that over half of Americans believe we live in a Christian nation. But statistics alone do not prove this. So what does it mean to be a Christian nation? Did the Bible really influence our nation’s values and institutions? By...

David Barton - Raising Expectations

David Barton

History credits American youth with remarkable accomplishments and great responsibilities. Even in adolescence, the young Americans of the founding era were scholars, diplomats, even military leaders. Have we failed to recognize the potential in our...

David Barton - Political Integrity

David Barton

When it comes to politics, it seems America suffers from an integrity deficit. As devoted statesmen have been replaced by career politicians, Americans have lost a sense of trust in their elected officials. Federal prosecution of public corruption...

David Barton - Manners and Civility

David Barton

Our Founders understood the importance of manners and civility. Samuel Adams believed that a society’s standard of manners indicated whether a nation was on the rise or fall. From the time of his youth, George Washington was schooled in civility. He...

David Barton - Real Religion

David Barton

Our Founders shared a deep sense of responsibility to care for the poor. But unlike many people today, they believed this duty belonged to churches and individuals, rather than the government. Today, many Americans relegate the task of caring for...