Charles Stanley - The Armor of God

Charles Stanley

Every command God gives us in His Word is given for our protection and our good. Dr. Stanley explains the importance of being prepared to stand against the enemy by putting on the full armor of God. Believers need not feel daunted by the enemy,...

Joyce Meyer - The Armor of Righteousness - Part 2

Joyce Meyer

God wants to help you let go of past hurts, guilt and shame, and embrace Christ's gift of righteousness. Discover who you are in Christ on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer!...

Joyce Meyer - The Armor of Righteousness - Part 1

Joyce Meyer

God's Word is the cure for overcoming negative thoughts about yourself. Learn why you can speak God's Word with authority, on this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life with Joyce Meyer!...

Kenneth Copeland - Suit Up in God's Armor and Win

Kenneth Copeland

It’s time to suit up in God’s armor and win! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you prepare for spiritual battle. God has already provided everything you need to fight. Learn to submit to Him by putting your armor on daily,...

Rick Renner - Power for the Fight

Rick Renner

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Join Rick as he describes what we need to have power for the good fight of faith!...

Rick Renner - The Whole Armour of God

Rick Renner

God has provided spiritual weapons for you to use in your fight against the enemy. Join Rick Renner to find out about these spiritual weapons....

Rick Renner - The Shoes of Peace, Shield of Faith

Rick Renner

How to use your shield of faith is the topic of today’s program. Join Rick Renner to find out how to keep your faith in top-notch shape....

Rick Renner - The Most Important Spiritual Weapon

Rick Renner

The loinbelt of truth is our most important piece of weaponry. It is the only tangible piece of armor, and it holds all the other pieces firmly in place. The breastplate of righteousness protects our vital organs, keeping us emotionally stable and...

Rick Renner - The Loinbelt and Breastplate

Rick Renner

What is the most important spiritual weapon God has given you? Join Rick Renner to find out what your most important spiritual weapon is....

Rick Renner - The Helmet, Sword, and Lance

Rick Renner

You have a sword of the Spirit to stop the attacks of the devil. Join Rick Renner today to find out how to use it to repel spiritual attacks....

Rick Renner - Our Shoes and Shield

Rick Renner

It is God’s will for us to stand and walk in His peace, which is why He’s given us shoes of peace as part of our armor. The shoes are both an offensive weapon of protection and a defensive weapon meant to pulverize the enemy. We have also been...

Rick Renner - Effective Spiritual Weapons

Rick Renner

Three additional weapons God has given us are the helmet of salvation, which is walking in the full knowledge of our salvation; the sword of the Spirit, which is a clear word of scripture given by the Holy Spirit to lethally stab the enemy; and the...