Jonathan Bernis - The Profound Impact of the October 7 Attack on Israel One Year Later

Jonathan Bernis

Join Jonathan and Ezra as they reflect on the profound impact of the October 7 attack on Israel, one year later. In this compelling discussion, they delve into the spiritual implications of the event and its connections to the Fall Feasts, offering...

Perry Stone - The Anatomy of a Satanic Attack

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The Anatomy of a Satanic Attack...

Perry Stone - Attacks On Your Bloodline

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Attacks On Your Bloodline...

Sid Roth - Satan's Next Attack Imminent. Do This NOW

Sid Roth

Barry and Batya Segal are amazing pioneers who live in Israel. They're Jewish believers in Yeshua. Israel was a nation established by God, Himself. Barry and Batya Segal are a living testimony of the modern miracle we call Israel. They share...

Rick Renner - How To Overcome Demonic Attacks

Rick Renner

Join Rick Renner as he teaches through the life of Timothy that you have to choose what you think about and the role that stirring the gift that is in you plays in doing just that!...

Rick Renner - You Can Overcome Any Attack

Rick Renner

What if you’ve hit an impasse or roadblock? What should you do? Rick Renner will answer these questions for you in today’s program....

Jack Hibbs - Protecting Your Marriage

Jack Hibbs

There is a real attack on marriages today. So, how do we protect our marriage from the enticements of the internet, and all forms of Social Media? It takes real devotion and commitment to stay pure and open in communication while staying away from...

Rick Renner - What Triggers An Attack, Part 2

Rick Renner

Join Rick as he teaches the part that remembering plays in resisting the attacks of the enemy....

Rick Renner - What Triggers An Attack, Part 1

Rick Renner

Join Rick as he teaches how fear and worry can trigger an attack....

Rick Renner - Attacks Against Your Marriage

Rick Renner

So you thought your marriage was going well, and then something crazy happened. How do you respond in faith? Join Rick for more on this topic today....