Beth Moore - Resetting the Compass - Part 4

Beth Moore

How do we handle the hurt of rejection in our lives? Let's learn to be faithful in the midst of trials....

Beth Moore - Resetting the Compass - Part 3

Beth Moore

Do you struggle to have compassion for others at times? Lean into this teaching and discover the first adjective God uses to describe himself....

Beth Moore - Resetting the Compass - Part 2

Beth Moore

The Sermon on the Mount... there's nothing quite like it to get in our business. In this teaching, we'll open up to Matthew 5 and see Jesus blessing the unblessed. The Beatitudes help us understand what Christ values and how to live for...

Beth Moore - Resetting the Compass - Part 1

Beth Moore

Happy New Year everyone! As followers of Jesus, we are called to disciple others. So, what does it look like to disciple people in Christ? Where do we look to guide us? Are we looking to the values of the Kingdom of this World or to the Kingdom of...