Jonathan Bernis - What Bible Prophecies are Coming True Today?

Jonathan Bernis

What Bible Prophecies are Coming True Today? -Jesus said that no one knows the day or the hour of His return but that we should be wise and know the signs of the season. Are we in that latter-day season now? Jonathan and Ezra sit down to discuss the...

Jonathan Bernis - Bible Prophecy, Israel and the U.N

Jonathan Bernis

Jesus said that no one knows the day or the hour of His return but that we should be wise and know the signs of the season. Are we in that latter-day season now? Jonathan and Ezra sit down to discuss the signs of the times and reveal several Bible...

Jack Hibbs - What Are You Going to Do About Bible Prophecy? - Part 4

Jack Hibbs

As disciples of Jesus, we can find security and purpose despite our struggles. Though trials may come, we have victory through Jesus. Suffering is only temporary and prepares us for eternity with God....

Jack Hibbs - What Are You Going to Do About Bible Prophecy? - Part 3

Jack Hibbs

Christ's victory over death offers salvation and encourages us to live out our faith daily through forgiveness and obedience....

Jack Hibbs - What Are You Going to Do About Bible Prophecy? - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

What Are You Going To Do About Bible Prophecy? Who are God’s Elect?...

Jack Hibbs - What Are You Going to Do About Bible Prophecy? - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

As Believers, we can face opposition and uncertainty with confidence, knowing that God is sovereign and will one day glorify His people. We can hold fast to God's promises in the face of opposition....

Jack Hibbs - The Christmas Prophecy

Jack Hibbs

The first prophetic verse in the Bible was not about the end times or the judgment of nations. It was a Christmas prophecy, because it promised the coming of a Savior. Find out what it is in this fascinating episode....

Jack Hibbs - How to Know You Are Living In the Last Days

Jack Hibbs

Jesus told us in advance about the warning signs to look for before the last days. Are we seeing any of those signs in today’s world? Pastor Jack takes a look at current events in light of Bible prophecy....

Jack Hibbs - Bible Prophecy Puzzle, Solved

Jack Hibbs

How do you solve the puzzle of Bible prophecy? By comparing the prophecies of the future with the fulfilled promises of history. Let Pastor Jack show you how to fit the pieces together in today's episode....

Jack Hibbs - Bible Prophecy In Today's Headline News

Jack Hibbs

What does the Bible have to say about the economy, the government, and the religion of the last days, and how are these things reflected in current events? Walk through time and explore the future with Pastor Jack now....