Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Blood Covenant-Minded

Kenneth Copeland

Are you ready to say goodbye to a life of sickness? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he speaks on becoming blood covenant-minded. THE BLESSING or the curse—the choice is yours. Learn how to choose well!...

Kenneth Copeland - The Significance of a Blood Covenant

Kenneth Copeland

Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains the meaning of a Hebrew covenant and the significance of a blood covenant. Jesus Christ was made a curse for us and became our blood Brother through God’s covenant with us. There’s...

Kenneth Copeland - The Blessing Is Blood-Backed

Kenneth Copeland

Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains how THE BLESSING is blood-backed by our covenant with God and cannot be revoked. Jesus redeemed us from every part of the curse, making every promise in the Bible ours for the...

Sid Roth - Power of the Blood Covenant

Sid Roth

Craig Hill says it's backwards to believe “God works in mysterious ways.” It’s not supposed to be a mystery. Some are asking, Why am I still sick? Why am I in poverty? You’re about to get the answer....