Sid Roth - Cancer Disappears When She Says These Words

Sid Roth

Cancer literally disappears when Frances Hunter says these words......

Sid Roth - A Witch Placed Her Image on My Cancerous Tumor

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2001: Can a witch cause cancer? Can a witch place her image on a tumor? Yes, and you will see it....

Sid Roth - This Testimony of Healing from Cancer Will Build Your Faith

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2001: She was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. Her abdomen was filled with malignant tumors, given six months to live. Then her doctor said, "You are my first miracle...

Sid Roth - This Doctor's Cancer Treatment Has Very High Success Rate

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2000: Dr. Francisco Contreras has a cancer treatment with a very high success rate! He oversees a hospital that cures people with cancer whom other medical doctors have given up on....

Sid Roth - God Said These Words to Me. Then I Was Healed with Richard and Dottie Kane

Sid Roth

God spoke these words to Dottie Kane. Then she was completely healed from liver cancer!...

Sid Roth - This Ancient Formula Eradicates Cancer! with Dr. John Miller

Sid Roth

Join Sid Roth and Dr. John Miller as they discuss the ancient formula that cures cancer as well as other diseases. Experience God's supernatural presence as you watch!...

Sid Roth - People with Cancer Walk Into This Special Room and the Cancer Is Cured

Sid Roth

When people with incurable cancer enter this special room, their cancer is completely cured! Find out more about this special healing room and experience God's healing presence as you watch!...

Sid Roth - I Was Healed of Cancer As I Praised God with Janice Mendonca and Jane Schleppenbach

Sid Roth

In this It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 1999: Can raising hands to God and dancing cause an outbreak of miracles of healing for cancer, tumors and ulcers? My guests say yes!...

Sid Roth - Tom Renfro Had Cancer, But Jesus' Blood Had the Final Word

Sid Roth

In this Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Classic episode from 2002: What happens when you're given a terminal sentence from your doctor – death because of cancer?...

Sid Roth - Satan Tried to Kill Me, But God Wouldn't Let Him with Rod Parsley

Sid Roth

Satan wanted to silence Rod Parsley with cancer, but God turned it around. Rod overcame the cancer and now he teaches a “roadmap for living victoriously” in the End Times. Never settle for less!...

Sid Roth - Need a Healing? Watch This Video with Dodie Osteen

Sid Roth

Doctors told Dodie Osteen she had three weeks to live. But God laughed! For 36 years Dodie has prayed for the sick, cast out demons and ministered compassion to people of all walks of life. She says your destiny lives with the Jesus in you. As the...

Sid Roth - Cancer Dies in His Healing Rooms!

Sid Roth

Rick Taylor says there is a strange epidemic in Santa Maria Valley, CA. Many people are being supernaturally healed of cancer. If you or a loved one needs to be healed from cancer, watch this!...