Louie Giglio - The Chain of Fear

Louie Giglio

Fear is faith in the Enemy. In this message, Pastor Louie Giglio talks about possibly the most universal chain yet, the chain of fear. So many of us live bound up in this chain, allowing it to dictate how we spend our days. The truth is this if we...

Louie Giglio - The Chain of Debt: Attacking Debt

Louie Giglio

“God wants to cultivate in us a new mindset of stewardship instead of ownership.” God wants us to live fearless and free, and one of those things is living free from debt. By shifting our mindset away from ownership of our finances, and towards the...

Louie Giglio - The Chain of Debt: Heads or Tails?

Louie Giglio

God desires for us to have margin in our lives financially so that we can live generously and leave a wake of generosity for others. This week, Pastor Louie Giglio reminds us of the difference between living at the forefront of God’s plans for us...

Louie Giglio - The Chain of Shame

Louie Giglio

“Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” - Isaiah 6:7 What have you allowed to DEFINE you? Is it who God says that you are, or is it the memory, the guilt, or the shame of your past mistakes? Many of...

Louie Giglio - The Chain of our Past

Louie Giglio

For a lot of us the thing that’s keeping us from living fearless and free is that we are chained to the past. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! - 2 Corinthians 5:17 The enemy will...

Louie Giglio - What to do When You Doubt God

Louie Giglio

Jesus has come to set you free. How many of us really are living in the truth? The truth that long before we were born our fight came to an end? Are we walking in the reality that Jesus won the war, that our chains are broken and dealt with, that we...