#292 - Joseph Prince - Disproportionate Grace For All Your Challenges - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Look at the Bible, down through the Scriptures, when Manoah and his wife, they were barren, all right, received God's grace. The angel came to give God's grace. What did the woman bring forth? Samson. John the Baptist parents were old,...

#292 - Joseph Prince - Disproportionate Grace For All Your Challenges - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The Holy Spirit always responds when we preach the blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit doesn't respond just because you preach on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit responds when you preach on the blood of Jesus, amen, the grace of God. Hallelujah....

#292 - Joseph Prince - Disproportionate Grace For All Your Challenges - Part 1

Joseph Prince

When God created the sun to bless the earth, scientists will tell you that only a fraction of the light and the heat reaches our globe. The rest, the superabundance of it, is actually lost in space, so God can create an oversized reservoir to bless...

Steven Furtick - Challenging What You Believe

Steven Furtick

Have you been believing the enemy’s lies? In “Challenging What You Believe,” we are challenged to stop imagining worst-case scenarios and start seeing God’s plans for our future....

Bill Johnson - The Challenge Of Blessing

Bill Johnson

Bill Johnson highlights God's wisdom depicted in the early life of Solomon. God desires to release an extraordinary measure of blessing over a people who will maintain a servant's heart, devotion and purity as they pursue His wisdom for...

Bill Johnson - The Challenge Of Favor

Bill Johnson

When God gives you extraordinary favor it's for the sake of those around you. As your favor increases so must your attitude of gratitude, otherwise the sense of entitlement will strip you of your character. Let us steward blessing well so that...

Bill Johnson - The Challenge Of Blessing

Bill Johnson

Understanding gives you a hearing heart to discern between good and evil. David's fathering, Proverbs 4:1, prepared Solomon for the choice God gave him. No other person in Scripture was offered a choice like Solomon. When we've had...

David Jeremiah - Stay Challenged In Your Growth

David Jeremiah

Everyone admires professional athletes and Olympians who put in years of faithful preparation to rise to the top of their sport. But too often, Christians recoil against applying the same diligence to be their very best spiritually. Covers: 2 Peter...