Perry Stone - When Your Children Have an Addiction

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: When Your Children Have an Addiction...

David Jeremiah - Will Children Be Raptured?

David Jeremiah

He's not willing that one of these little ones should perish. And if that's all that I had, I'd build my hope on that alone. The Lord Jesus has compassion for little children and infants, and he's not willing that even one of...

Perry Stone - Prayers That Will Bring Deliverance To Your Children

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Prayers That Will Bring Deliverance To Your Children...

Perry Stone - Breaking the Spirits That Are Battling Your Children

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Breaking the Spirits That Are Battling Your Children...

Jack Hibbs - When God Blesses a Couple with Children

Jack Hibbs

Today’s families are often overextended with both husband and wife working just to keep up, and children can be seen as interruption to our plans. Tune in as Pastor Jack and Lisa unpack God’s perspective on children....

Rick Renner - Attacks Against Your Children

Rick Renner

Are your children or grandchildren making bad decisions? What can you do to stand in faith for them? Join Rick today to find out one of the answers....

Rick Renner - Parents and Children

Rick Renner

When you’re raising children, you need to ask God for the plan for every single child. It’s not just "one rule applies to all" — you have to find the way to approach each child individually. You might say, “Oh, that’s sounds hard.” But...

Jeff Schreve - Preparing Children for Life

Jeff Schreve

Being a parent is the most important job on the planet. It is also the most challenging. God calls us to raise Godly children who are prepared to face the world. He provides us with guidance and instruction in His Word. In this message Pastor Jeff...

Rick Renner - Teach Your Children To Work

Rick Renner

Having a good work ethic is essential if your children are going to have a blessed future. How do you give that ethic to your children, grandchildren, or the children you influence in life? That is the subject of today’s program....

Rick Renner - Teach Your Children To Value Material Possessions and To Be Thankful

Rick Renner

We live in a world filled with ungrateful, unthankful people. You don’t want your children or grandchildren to be among them. How do you teach your children or grandchildren to have a thankful attitude? That is the subject of today’s program....

Rick Renner - Teach Your Children To Repent

Rick Renner

In today’s program, the Renner sons discuss how Rick and Denise taught them to repent and how they are now teaching this principle to their own children. There is a lot to glean from today’s program!...

Rick Renner - Teach Your Children To Love Jesus Above All Else

Rick Renner

Join Rick, Denise, Paul, Philip, and Joel Renner in today’s program as all the Renner family discusses how to impact children for eternity!...