Andy Stanley - Working It Out

Andy Stanley

The person you are has been shaped by those who have loved you and those who have hurt you. Maybe it was your mom or your dad or your coach or a teacher. Others' behavior toward us has a lasting impact. And Jesus understood this so well that...

Andy Stanley - Angry Birds

Andy Stanley

Jesus embodied the tension between grace and truth. Churches and Christians should too, but they tend to swing toward one or the other. It's easy to be a church of truth or a church of grace - to be conservative or liberal. But when churches...

Andy Stanley - When Gracie Met Truthy

Andy Stanley

The people Jesus loved were messy. The way Jesus loved was messy. He ate with tax collectors and talked with adulterers. His disciples struggled and we still struggle today to understand his extraordinary love. In this message, Andy Stanley unwraps...

Andy Stanley - Showing Up

Andy Stanley

The early Christians in Rome did not have it easy. They were persecuted, blamed for crimes they didn't commit, even fed to lions. Yet Jesus painted an encouraging picture of their circumstances; he said they were "the salt of the...

Andy Stanley - Insiders Outsiders

Andy Stanley

Without intending to, Christianity won the West. It toppled the Roman Empire. And it did so without raising a sword. What was the secret of the early church's influence? And where did we go wrong? In this message, Andy Stanley reveals the...

Andy Stanley - Quitters

Andy Stanley

The words used to describe Christians today often bear no resemblance to the one word Jesus wanted his followers to be known for. What would it look like if, for one day, we got it right? What if we as Christians embodied this one word? What if our...

Andy Stanley - Brand Recognition

Andy Stanley

"Christian" is a brand that can be good, bad, attractive, or repelling. It's a loaded label no matter whom you ask. But where did the word come from? And did it come with instructions? In this message, Andy reexamines the word...