Perry Stone - Why the Government is Afraid of Christianity? - Part 2

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Why the Government is Afraid of Christianity? - Part 2...

Perry Stone - Why the Government is Afraid of Christianity? - Part 1

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Why the Government is Afraid of Christianity? - Part 1...

Perry Stone - Proving the Christian Faith and Bible are True

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Proving the Christian Faith and Bible are True...

Jack Hibbs - Why Does Christianity Claim To Be Right?

Jack Hibbs

How can someone be so convinced that what they believe is true – even to the point of dying for that belief? Join Pastor Jack Hibbs in examining the evidence for the existence of God, the validity of the Bible, and the unshakable faith they produce....

Jack Hibbs - Should Christianity and Politics Intersect?

Jack Hibbs

Pastor Jack Hibbs and Dr Wayne Grudem discuss the biblical basis for Christians’ involvement in politics and the current threats to our God-given freedoms. Join the conversation on this week’s program!...

Jack Hibbs - Should Christians Be Involved In Politics? – Part 2

Jack Hibbs

Pastor Jack Hibbs and Tony Perkins continue the conversation of a Christian’s involvement in politics by discussing the spiritual battle that is currently raging in our nation’s capital. What can we do to defend our Biblical worldview in today’s...

Jack Hibbs - Should Christians Be Involved In Politics? – Part 1

Jack Hibbs

God calls us to be good stewards of the things He has entrusted to us, but does this include the realm of politics? Pastor Jack Hibbs and Tony Perkins sit down to discuss the responsibility of every believer to influence the culture around them....

Perry Stone - 4 Ways To Prove Christianity Is True

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: 4 Ways To Prove Christianity Is True...

Louie Giglio - What It Means to Live as a Christian - Part 2

Louie Giglio

Picking back up from our talk last week, Pastor Louie Giglio dives deeper into what it means to live as a Christian. When we are generous, proclaim the Good News, make disciples, and love one another, we can invite others into our agape house....

Louie Giglio - What It Means to Live as a Christian - Part 1

Louie Giglio

Continuing in our current collection of talks, Believer, Pastor Louie Giglio stresses that being a Christian is more about who you are than what you do. To be Christian, we are called to be Christ-like, love God, extend grace, shine light, and...

Louie Giglio - What Does It Mean to be Christian

Louie Giglio

Pastor Louie Giglio launches a new collection of talks, Believer, with a powerful message about what it means to be Christian. Believing in Christ is inclusive to everyone, though he identifies how our lives should identify Christ when we choose to...

Jack Hibbs - Living Out Your Christianity

Jack Hibbs

Pastor Jack shares his heart with an exhortation regarding Christian Life Today. What’s it going to take to live out your Christianity in today’s ever changing world? You will be challenged and encouraged!...