Robert Jeffress - The Church That Was Too Accepting and The Church That Was Too Tolerant

Robert Jeffress

Is it possible for Christians to be too accepting and too tolerant? Our culture, which celebrates inclusiveness, would emphatically answer, “No!” But God’s Word says, “Yes” as we will see in Jesus’ message to the Christians in Pergamum and Thyatira....

Rick Renner - A Church Committed to Good Works

Rick Renner

Many churches and believers do good works. But what kinds of works are pleasing — or displeasing — to God? Today Rick Renner delves into this topic, so don’t miss it!...

David Jeremiah - The Falling Away: A Theological Prophecy

David Jeremiah

The Bible predicts the falling away of the church. Is that what we are seeing today, including believers who are deconstructing their faith? There seems to be a growing number of people rejecting God altogether and choosing no faith at all. Is...

Rick Renner - A Church Exploding With God's Grace

Rick Renner

If the Corinthian church could experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit, anyone can experience them. Join Rick Renner today as you discover that you qualify to be used in spiritual gifts!...

Robert Morris - Belong to Family

Robert Morris

God created us to belong to Him and to belong to family. Sin separated us from relationship with God, but Jesus became the sin offering for us so we can be accepted when we believe....

Charles Stanley - Together in the Christian Life

Charles Stanley

Many professing Christians claim they don’t need to be a part of a church because they think they can live the Christian life without one. But the truth is, no Christian has ever been called to go it alone in his or her walk with God. Everyone who...

Rick Renner - What Is the Church?

Rick Renner

You may think you know what the word “church” means, but in today’s program, Rick Renner will open your mind to a brand new understanding of the word “church” and you do not want to miss this program!...

David Jeremiah - When the Church Would Be Irrelevant

David Jeremiah

America was built on a biblical base. After all, the Puritans who were among the first settlers came seeking religious freedom. The church was the most relevant institution in America's early years but some wonder whether she has lost her...

David Barton - Irrelevant Churches

David Barton

The co-author of "This Precarious Moment" exposes the reason that younger generations are leaving the church....

Robert Morris - What is Church?

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert gives a message regarding what the Bible says about church. He shows how we connect in church, have conversations with God while there and how the Lord intends for us to do so with commitment....

David Jeremiah - Stay Connected To The Church

David Jeremiah

Often when we need others most, we tend to pull back. It is happening today as Christians, discouraged by the economy and other factors, stay away from the local church. The best place for Christians to be encouraged and motivated in difficult times...

David Jeremiah - The Faithful Church

David Jeremiah

Christ commended the church in Philadelphia for four things: they had an open door, they had a little strength, they had kept the Word of God, and they had not denied the Lord. If we want to be commended by Christ like this church, we will go...