Creflo Dollar - No Condemnation For Those Who Are In Christ - Part 2

Creflo Dollar

I'm gonna show you the little trick you've been playing on us. The truth is is you don't have it all together, and that's where our solution can start. Our solution starts with the truth of knowing you don't have it all...

Creflo Dollar - No Condemnation For Those Who Are In Christ - Part 1

Creflo Dollar

I need a Jesus who can deal with somebody who's not perfect. I need a Jesus who can deal with somebody that's not flawless yet. But the promise is if you let me come in you, glory to God, and I in you and you in me then I'll start...

#612 - Joseph Prince - Break Free From The Chains Of Condemnation - Part 3

Joseph Prince

Justification by faith. You believe you are righteous by faith with the righteousness of God. Amen? God made Jesus at the cross to be sin, amen, with our sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Abraham, Abraham is a picture of...

#612 - Joseph Prince - Break Free From The Chains Of Condemnation - Part 2

Joseph Prince

Jesus took care of the sin problem and he has, amen. His perfect work at Calvary's cross has removed all our sins efficaciously. Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am come that you might have life, and have it more...

#612 - Joseph Prince - Break Free From The Chains Of Condemnation - Part 1

Joseph Prince

Eternal life starts the moment you are born again. The moment you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, as your Lord, you confess him as Lord, you believe in your heart God raised him from the dead, you believe that Christ took your sins...

#612 - Joseph Prince - Break Free From The Chains Of Condemnation - Highlights

Joseph Prince

I see God as a God who is more willing to give than you want to receive. I see a God whose provision is greater than your need. After he satisfies your hunger, amen, there's 12 baskets full left over. His supply always super exceeds, amen, your...

#492 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Guilt And Condemnation - Part 4

Joseph Prince

Jesus throughout the Gospel of John he says, "Before Abraham was, I am. I am the good shepherd. I am the way, the truth, and the life"....

#492 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Guilt And Condemnation - Part 3

Joseph Prince

No, you can talk to God anytime, anywhere. That is drawing near. I mean you just tell him your worries, that's casting your cares. And all of a sudden you just know that you know that you know that you know that you know everything is gonna be...

#492 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Guilt And Condemnation - Part 2

Joseph Prince

We've got to believe we are righteous. What Christ has made us to be, we declare we are. To say Jesus is Lord is to say Jesus is my righteousness....

#492 - Joseph Prince - Win Over Guilt And Condemnation - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You can't justify yourself. The only way is to say, "I'm a sinner," then God says, "No problem. My Son is a Savior of sinners"....

Craig Groeschel - I Deserve Condemnation

Craig Groeschel

Trade condemnation for light. Instead of “I’m ashamed of myself,” we get to say, “He showed me mercy.” In Week 2 of I Deserve It, Pastor Craig Groeschel helps us discover the unending mercy of God as the way out of eternal condemnation....

Robert Morris - Condemnation

Robert Morris

Pastor Robert Morris begins his Good News series by reminding us that there is no more condemnation and no separation for those who are in Christ Jesus....