Tim Dilena - The Cost of Sin

Tim Dilena

In “The Cost of Sin”, Pastor Tim Dilena preaches on the destructive nature of sin and the cure only found in Jesus....

Jack Hibbs - Truth Or Consequences?

Jack Hibbs

While the world pushes the narrative that truth is relative, irrefutable evidence proves this is false. Join Pastor Jack Hibbs as he examines the Biblical and scientific grounds for absolute truth. The question is: are you willing to accept it?...

Rick Renner - The Consequences of Surrender

Rick Renner

The last dream thief Rick Renner identifies is YOU! If you can overcome you, you can do anything God will ever call you to do!...

Rick Renner - Consequences of Repentance or a Lack of Repentance

Rick Renner

There are consequences associated with repentance or a lack of repentance. If God commands you to repent, what are the consequences of your obedience? What are the consequences if you turn a deaf hear to the Spirit and do not repent?...

Rick Renner - The Consequences Of Disobedience

Rick Renner

Many people win a battle, but lose the overall victory because of personal disobedience. Don’t allow this to happen to you! Let Rick Renner encourage you today to stay on track....

Charles Stanley - The Principle of Sowing and Reaping

Charles Stanley

Every choice has a consequence. If we make wise, godly decisions, we can expect God to reward us for our faithfulness. If we make rash or sinful choices, we can anticipate negative consequences (Gal. 6:7-8). In other words, you reap what you sow,...

Max Lucado - Voices, Choices and Consequences

Max Lucado

Watch sermon Voices, Choices and Consequences, preached by Max Lucado, Pastor of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas. #Glory Days: A Fresh Look At Tomorrow...

Charles Stanley - The Consequences of Disobedience in the Garden

Charles Stanley

Every action we take has consequences, especially whether or not we obey God. There are repercussions for sin, but ultimately God is on our side when we repent and accept His forgiveness. Take heed of God’s commands because obeying them is always in...

Charles Stanley - Sacrificing Your Future For The Pleasure Of The Moment

Charles Stanley

Broth or birthright? No rational person would choose the former at the expense of the latter. Yet Esau did, and he’s not the only one among us sacrificing the future for momentary pleasure. In this message, Dr. Stanley exhorts us to exercise...

David Jeremiah - Ruth: Overcoming Bad Decisions

David Jeremiah

It's not difficult to grow careless and take a wrong turn. The Bible is full of stories of people who took a wrong turn, including Ruth's family. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah looks at the path they traveled from bad decisions to...