David Jeremiah - The Joy of Serenity

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we learn how it is possible to live a life of contentment. There is an innate human drive to want to reach farther, do better, and accomplish more. Finding the balance between where we are and where we’d like to be is the challenge of...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Security

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we discover how to live a life of peace in a world of unrest. Drugs like Valium and Prozac are taken like aspirin today in an attempt in bring peace and calm to those consumed with anxiety. The apostle Paul had a different and better...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Harmony

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we learn four principles for living a life of joy. It’s one thing for a Christian to believe he needs to press on toward the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. It’s another thing to do it consistently and energetically. Paul offers...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Maturity

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we see Paul motivating the Philippian believers to press on toward maturity in Christ. It is the nature of all things to run down, get tired, and burn out—especially people. Therefore, encouragement and motivation are a continual...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Victory

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we discover what it means to strive for spiritual victory. Is winning spiritual? Some would say competition is a carnal pursuit—that it’s not whether we win or lose, but how we play the game. The apostle Paul would say both are...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Humility

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we discover why it takes genuine humility to become a Christian. It’s the human way to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and say, “Look at what I’ve done!” While that is the way to get noticed in the world, it is not the way to get...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Ministry

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we learn that it is possible for regular Christians to have the mind of Christ and live as servants of others. When the Bible says that Christians should “be like Christ,” someone always says, “Impossible!” True, He was the sinless...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Responsibility

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we discover why advancing the Gospel depends on Christians exercising responsibility. There are two parts to the Christian life: being and doing. Too often we give attention to doing because staying busy is easier than taking...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Unity

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we learn how servanthood is the foundation of unity in the church. Christians are so used to the story of salvation that we fail to consider the enormity of what it involved: the Son of God left His privileges and position in heaven...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Integrity

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we learn why courageous faith is the best defense against suffering for faith. It is easy to say that one is a Christian if there is likely not to be any retribution for such belief. In many places in the world today, there is a price...

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Adversity

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we discover seven benefits of adversity for the Christian. Few people would choose adversity in life over peace and prosperity. But when adversity arrives, the Christian should be able to view it rightly as a source of benefits....

David Jeremiah - The Joy of Community

David Jeremiah

In this lesson we learn the traits of a true community of believers. It has been said that modern societies are a collection of intimate strangers. We have marriages, families, coworkers, and friends—but where is the community? The body of Christ is...