Perry Stone - When God's Favor Reverses the Curse

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: When God's Favor Reverses the Curse...

Sid Roth - This Satanic Curse is Keeping You Sick

Sid Roth

Chad Gonzales exposes the curse of the devil that is keeping people sick. My guest says that the devil is in the business of hijacking our minds. As a result, Satan has an open door to keep us sick, fearful and broken. No more! Get ready for your...

Sid Roth - This Bible Secret Breaks Curses and Unlocks Instant Blessings

Sid Roth

What happens when you go to sleep at night and all of sudden you're woken up by a voice and this voice says, "There are ten reasons that people are sick, have family problems, have financial difficulties". And then you take these ten...

Bill Winston - The Blessing Overrides the Curse

Bill Winston

The Blessing was first given to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God transferred to them the same power and ability He used to create this earth so that they could continue the work of creation and make every place on the earth just like the...

Benny Hinn - Reversing and Breaking the Curse - Part 2

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he preach on topic: Reversing and Breaking the Curse - Part 2 Speaker: Benny Hinn Message: Reversing and Breaking the Curse - Part 2 Year: 2023...

Benny Hinn - Reversing and Breaking the Curse - Part 1

Benny Hinn

Watch Benny Hinn as he preach on topic: Reversing and Breaking the Curse - Part 1 Speaker: Benny Hinn Message: Reversing and Breaking the Curse - Part 1 Year: 2023...

#221 Joseph Prince - God Can Turn Curses Into Blessings For You (FULL)

Joseph Prince

Concerned about curses possibly operating in your life? Then this enlightening message will surely set you free! Get your faith pumped up as Joseph Prince shares, from the story of Balaam, powerful and liberating truths on how God has so blessed...

#199 Joseph Prince - Out Of Cursing Into Blessing, Because Of The Cross

Joseph Prince

Jesus' sacrifice at Calvary didn't only secure us a place in heaven. It also redeemed us from every curse. However, many believers are still confused about what is or isn't a curse and whether or not they should live with certain...

Kenneth Copeland - Throw Off The Curse By Blessing Others

Kenneth Copeland

Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you about blessings and spiritual reciprocation. You can activate the promises of God in your life by making a decision to first bless others. If you have a need in your life, use...

Kenneth Copeland - The Curse Was Never God's Will For You

Kenneth Copeland

Are you tolerating any part of the curse in your life? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares how the curse was never God’s will for you. Don’t be deceived! Every part of THE BLESSING is the perfect will of God for you,...

Kenneth Copeland - The Curse Is Death, The Blessing Is Life

Kenneth Copeland

Are you choosing life or allowing death? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares how THE BLESSING has always belonged to you—but you have to access it! Spiritual death is everything under the curse. True prosperity is every need...

Kenneth Copeland - The Blessings Gives You Authority Over The Curse

Kenneth Copeland

Is there an intruder in your mind? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares how fear from outside sources will keep you from receiving. Learn how THE BLESSING gives you authority over the curse. You can use your faith on purpose...