Jonathan Bernis - Chanukah, A Time of Rededication

Jonathan Bernis

Find out the direct correlation between the observance of Chanukah and our relationship with the Messiah of Israel, Jesus. Learn the difference between a menorah and a chanukiah, and see why this season is a perfect opportunity to rededicate your...

David Jeremiah - The Priority of a Dedicated Mind

David Jeremiah

Jesus Christ's mind led Him on a path of humility and servanthood, not a path of pride and self-promotion. If we have the mind of Christ, then our values, perspectives, and priorities will be the same as His. Our path in life may be different,...

TD Jakes - Dedication 2 Destiny

TD Jakes

Because God has a plan for our lives, sometimes we think there’s no action required on our part to achieve His plan; however, our lives are full of decades, dreams and decisions that call us to destiny. It’s time to be specific about who we are and...