Perry Stone - Suicide, How to Prevent It

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Suicide, How to Prevent It...

Louie Giglio - Breathing Out the Weight of Depression

Louie Giglio

Pastor Louie leads our House into a new Collection of Talks, titled, ‘Putting an ‘X' Through Anxiety'. In this talk, Pastor Louie urges listeners to get back in touch with the breath of God—His Spirit. It is breathing IN the truth about...

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Part 4

Joseph Prince

Take your eye off yourself, my friend, and look to Jesus, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, hallelujah? Our faith is... actually, the word "our" is added there. Is he is the author and finisher of faith, amen? The more...

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Part 3

Joseph Prince

You choose this day which will you be under. Will you be under grace where you look to the Lord? If your eye and your heart is on Christ, only good, only fruit, amen, only favor and grace will be the result of union with Christ. Jesus rescued us....

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The Scripture says Christ has obtained righteousness. Christ has become our righteous, Christ died for our sins, and Christ today is my righteousness. Christ has made onto me wisdom, righteousness, and Christ is also my holiness, my sanctification,...

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Part 1

Joseph Prince

God did not give the law for man to be justified by. You know, I am for the law for the reason that God gave the law. And God did not give the law for man to be justified by, for men to find his sanctification and holiness from, or to have it as the...

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Highlights

Joseph Prince

God doesn't want us be conscious of sin. God wants us to be conscious of him, of Jesus, amen? Whoever you're conscious of, you will gravitate towards. Whoever you're conscious of, you'll become like. If your eye and your heart is...

Craig Groeschel - Two Truths to Remember When You're Battling Depression

Craig Groeschel

When we’re battling depression, it can be easy to isolate ourselves. But church is a place we can go when we don’t have it all together. This week, we’re learning how to fight depression from a spiritual perspective. Don’t miss this hope-filled...

Jack Hibbs - Dealing With Depression And Thoughts Of Suicide

Jack Hibbs

Depression and Suicide: it’s all around us! For both Christian and non-Christian alike, the struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts is a huge issue in today’s culture. The question is: How do Christians deal with these struggles Biblically?...

Tim Dilena - The Kind Of Depression That Makes Me Want To Give Up

Tim Dilena

In "The Kind Of Depression That Makes Me Want To Give Up", Pastor Tim Dilena preaches on how prevalent depression has become in the 21st century, what causes it in people, even Christians, and how we can get through it according to Psalm...