Matt Chandler - A Healthy Disciple

Matt Chandler

As disciples of Jesus, we learn His teachings through the Scriptures and follow His commands through the power of the Holy Spirit. Well, good morning! I want to take a couple of moments right at the start of our service to spend some time praying...

Tim Dilena - Turning Multitudes Into Disciples

Tim Dilena

In "Turning Multitudes Into Disciples", Pastor Tim Dilena teaches on what it means to create disciples and the process of sanctification and dying to self....

Jack Hibbs - What Will You Do?

Jack Hibbs

Have you noticed that everything tends to wear out? And have you noticed that even a year tends to wear out? There is something about putting an old, used up, wore out year behind us as we look ahead to the hope of a better year, a new year. Yet –...

Jack Hibbs - Giving What's Been Given - Part 4

Jack Hibbs

The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....

Jack Hibbs - Giving What's Been Given - Part 3

Jack Hibbs

The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....

Jack Hibbs - Giving What's Been Given - Part 2

Jack Hibbs

The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....

Jack Hibbs - Giving What's Been Given - Part 1

Jack Hibbs

The grace of God is the goodness of God in all of its fullness - which demands that it be spent, given, bestowed, poured out upon another. God delights in giving and this “giving” of God is His “Grace or Gracing”....

Jack Hibbs - Go Forth With Joy Christian

Jack Hibbs

Go Forth With Joy Christian being prepared for whatever comes our way. For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall clap their...

Rick Renner - Are You Just a Listener or Are You a Disciple

Rick Renner

As disciples of Christ, we are called to be committed learners who are not just hearers of the Word, but who are also committed doers of the Word. We are to receive God’s truth with meekness and put it into practice by whatever creative means...

Rick Warren - Being a Disciple in the Digital Age

Rick Warren

Today, you have more technology in your pocket than NASA had when it sent astronauts to the moon in 1969. We all know the benefits of being in the digital age, but what about the downsides? In this message, Pastor Rick Warren will describe six...

TD Jakes - How To Be A Disciple of Christ

TD Jakes

Watch this message by TD Jakes and learn How To Be A Disciple of Christ (excerpt from: Gleanings from the Well), based on John 4:20-24 KJV...

Andrew Wommack - Discipleship, The Path to Freedom - Part 10

Andrew Wommack

Watch Andrew Wommack as he teaches on series Discipleship: The Path to Freedom — Episode 10...