TD Jakes - A Message on Cutting Away Distractions

TD Jakes

The biblical concept of circumcision isn’t just about a physical act — it’s about cutting away the things we don’t need to get closer to God. This transformative process reminds us to focus on what really matters and shake off distractions....

Steven Furtick - Fighting a Distracted Mind

Steven Furtick

When we make time for God throughout our day, it helps eliminate distractions that could be keeping us from reaching our full potential. This is an excerpt from "Torn But Trusting."...

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Part 4

Joseph Prince

Take your eye off yourself, my friend, and look to Jesus, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, hallelujah? Our faith is... actually, the word "our" is added there. Is he is the author and finisher of faith, amen? The more...

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Part 3

Joseph Prince

You choose this day which will you be under. Will you be under grace where you look to the Lord? If your eye and your heart is on Christ, only good, only fruit, amen, only favor and grace will be the result of union with Christ. Jesus rescued us....

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Part 2

Joseph Prince

The Scripture says Christ has obtained righteousness. Christ has become our righteous, Christ died for our sins, and Christ today is my righteousness. Christ has made onto me wisdom, righteousness, and Christ is also my holiness, my sanctification,...

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Part 1

Joseph Prince

God did not give the law for man to be justified by. You know, I am for the law for the reason that God gave the law. And God did not give the law for man to be justified by, for men to find his sanctification and holiness from, or to have it as the...

#615 - Joseph Prince - Distracted And Depressed? Help Is On The Way - Highlights

Joseph Prince

God doesn't want us be conscious of sin. God wants us to be conscious of him, of Jesus, amen? Whoever you're conscious of, you will gravitate towards. Whoever you're conscious of, you'll become like. If your eye and your heart is...

Craig Groeschel - Letting Go of Distractions

Craig Groeschel

Distractions can lead to destruction. In Week 2 of Travel Light, Pastor Craig Groeschel illustrates how being easily distracted by the things of this world can limit our focus on what’s eternal....

Steven Furtick - The Difference Between Distraction and Destiny

Steven Furtick

There are a lot of people and things fighting for our attention right now leaving us all feeling pulled apart. You’re finally headed back to work, but your kids still need help with school. Social restrictions are being lifted, but that doesn’t mean...

Steven Furtick - Don't Let The Enemy Distract You

Steven Furtick

Sometimes, the enemy has you fighting against what you're supposed to be fighting for....

Charles Stanley - Distracted from Godly Meditation

Charles Stanley

God is genuinely interested in the things that interest you. And He’s more than willing to speak to your heart about them. He longs for your times of biblical meditation and for you to listen to His clear and righteous direction for your life. To...

David Jeremiah - Choose: Diminish Your Distractions

David Jeremiah

In order to say yes to the things that are important in life, you have to be willing to say no to the things that aren’t. We live in a demanding world that is constantly requiring more and more of us, even as we realize that we don't have the...