Rick Warren - Standing Out At Work

Rick Warren

Do you sometimes ask yourself “How do I stand out at work and get noticed” or “How can I get out of a dead-end job or get promoted or hired when there’s so much competition?” This is your message – presenting the most amazing promotion story of all...

Rick Warren - Making Wise Decisions At Work

Rick Warren

King Solomon is known to be the wisest man who ever lived. His writing of Proverbs gives us principles for making wise decisions. The following eight principles are valuable not just in work decisions, but in all life’s decisions. They are: 1. Check...

Rick Warren - The Work God Shaped You To Do

Rick Warren

“You (God) shaped me—first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb... You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit... Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception...

Rick Warren - The Purpose Of Work

Rick Warren

In our lifetime, we’ll spend an average of about 150,000 hours at work. Work dominates and defines approximately 40% of our lives, but a recent survey shows that two thirds of all workers would prefer to change jobs! “What do people really get for...