Did you know a third of your life is spent sleeping? My guest says that God is trying to communicate with you through your dreams, and many believers are missing it because we're blinded by the enemy's deception. This stops today!...
John Paul Jackson reveals the secret to interpreting your dreams. My guest needs no introduction to the supernatural because when he was four years of age he started knowing things that no one had ever told him....
Have you ever thought, "If God wants to speak to me in dreams, why doesn't He just speak literally, and not in these symbols? And if I can't understand my dreams, why should I waste my time even trying?" Of course, many have...
On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! 2016, Mark Virkler and daughter Charity say God speaks to everybody and your destiny is an open book if you can understand your dreams. Are you listening?...
On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Jane Hamon says your dreams are messages from God, not pizza dreams! She wants you to understand the language of dreams, and she has a supernatural gift to equip you to do it. If you are...
In case you missed it—the other night I had the most vivid prophetic dream I’ve ever had. It was in a whole different dimension! So I asked my friend Adam Thompson—an internationally recognized teacher on dreams and visions—to interpret my dream....
Adam Thompson & Adrian Beale share proven ways to interpret and understand your dreams. Australia’s Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale have learned the “language of heaven” for interpreting your dreams and visions. Just as Jesus taught in parables,...