Perry Stone - Elijah is Coming, The Final Redemption

Perry Stone

Watch the latest Manna-Fest episode with Perry Stone. This episode was filmed at the 2022 Main Event Campmeeting in Cleveland, TN. The title of this message is: Elijah is Coming, The Final Redemption...

Perry Stone - Elijah and The Rebuilding of The 3rd Temple

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: Elijah and The Rebuilding of The 3rd Temple...

Perry Stone - The Coming Jezebel Spirit and the Elijah Showdown

Perry Stone

Watch Manna Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The Coming Jezebel Spirit and the Elijah Showdown...

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 4

Joseph Prince

The law is rigid, right? You cannot put grace. You cannot mix them both, amen? What man calls balance, Jesus calls mixture. You're either under law, or you are under grace. I pray that you will be under grace, my friend, because the law kills....

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 3

Joseph Prince

We are no more under the curse of the broken law. We are no more under the law. Full stop. Amen. Because Jesus, in order to bring us out of the law, he has to die on the cross. One of the reasons Jesus died on the cross, besides burying our sins, is...

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 2

Joseph Prince

When God gave the law, the Bible says, God says, "I come to you in a thick cloud". There was darkness, a dark cloud, but here you have a bright cloud because it's a time of grace, amen? Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. The law...

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Part 1

Joseph Prince

You are under grace, grace supplies, amen. The law says you shall not, grace says I will. In the new covenant God says, "I'll put my laws, I will be their God. They shall all know me. I will be merciful to the unrighteousness. Their sins I...

#613 - Joseph Prince - God's Supply Unveiled In Elijah And Elisha - Highlights

Joseph Prince

When Jesus came down the Mount of Transfiguration, the Bible says the people ran towards him. The people ran towards him because the light of the new covenant, the light says, "Your sins are removed. Your sins are gone. The curse is lifted,...

Craig Groeschel - Depression

Craig Groeschel

Even Elijah went through a valley of depression, but God’s still, small voice led him out. Learn how one of the most powerful men of God found victory over depression in 1 Kings 19 with Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Craig Groeschel - Which God Do You Serve?

Craig Groeschel

Elijah served the true God unwaveringly and was able to stand up for Him against hundreds of false prophets. Learn more about Elijah’s unwavering loyalty in 1 Kings 18 with Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Craig Groeschel - The Making Of A Man Of God

Craig Groeschel

Our pain can shape us into people who are completely dependent on God and who have learned total obedience. Learn more through the story of Elijah in 1 Kings 17 with Pastor Craig Groeschel....

Amir Tsarfati - The Timeless Days of Elijah

Amir Tsarfati

From killing the 850 prophets of Baal & Asherah, to fleeing to the desert in fear for his life, Elijah was known as the “troubler” of Israel. How can the killing of these prophets be justified? What message was God trying to convey to His people...