David Jeremiah - The Coming Golden Age Interview

David Jeremiah

Thank you for joining me today. In the next few minutes, we will explore the incredible glories that await those who follow our Savior into the Millennium and beyond. We'll also savor the hope, joy, and peace that can be ours until the arrival...

David Jeremiah - The End of War

David Jeremiah

We will dissolve all of our implements of warfare into implements of agriculture. And for 1,000 years, we will live on this earth in peace with one another. No uprisings, no war....

David Jeremiah - Old Age in the Golden Age

David Jeremiah

In that age, human longevity will return to pre-Flood levels. Even better, the lives of the redeemed who rule this world with Christ will return to pre-Eden levels. We will once again live forever....

David Jeremiah - No Devil

David Jeremiah

One of the most significant facts about this coming age of peace, this coming Millennium, this coming Golden Age, is the total absence of Satan throughout the entire time. The world will be free of Satan for 365, 250 days, 1,000 devil-less years....

David Jeremiah - King Jesus

David Jeremiah

This King who will one day reign on this earth is the same King who wants to reign in your life and sit on the throne of your heart. You don't have to do life alone. You don't have to make all those mistakes and wonder, why did I do that?...

David Jeremiah - The Golden City

David Jeremiah

He was crucified in Jerusalem, he was buried in Jerusalem, he was resurrected in Jerusalem, he ascended from Jerusalem. And one day he's coming back to Jerusalem and he's going to put his feet on the same place from which he ascended: the...

Tim Dilena - The Nation of Israel and The End Times

Tim Dilena

In ”The Nation of Israel & The End Times", Pastor Tim Dilena preaches on the importance of God's word regarding the church, the nation of Israel, and how they intersect at the End Times....

Robert Jeffress - Jesus Our Friend

Robert Jeffress

As we conclude our series Jesus Revealed in the End Times, we are going to discover the one role Jesus will fulfill in the End Times that means the most to you and me today....

Robert Jeffress - Jesus The Judge

Robert Jeffress

Most Christians have no difficulty thinking of Jesus Christ as the suffering servant who came to save us from our sins. But, many people stumble over the picture of Jesus as the Judge of both believers and unbelievers. Yet, as we will see today, the...

Robert Jeffress - Jesus The King

Robert Jeffress

The “King is Coming” is more than a musical anthem, it is a profound truth. Today we will explore the promises and fulfillment of Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and what that means for us today....

Robert Jeffress - Jesus The Conqueror

Robert Jeffress

The first time Jesus appeared on earth, He came in the form of a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths. The next time Christ appears on earth, He will descend from heaven with a mighty army and be universally recognized as the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF...

Robert Jeffress - Jesus The Prophet

Robert Jeffress

Cable news programs are filled with pundits making predictions about what might happen six months or a year from now. If even half of their predictions come true, they are considered geniuses. But today, we are going to look at one Prophet who has a...