Perry Stone - The Enoch Cipher and the Future Cosmic Signs of Christ's Return

Perry Stone

Watch Manna-Fest with Perry Stone. Today's episode is entitled: The Enoch Cipher and the Future Cosmic Signs of Christ's Return...

Rick Renner - Enoch's Prophecy About the Last Days

Rick Renner

In the Old Testament, Enoch prophesied about the last days. What he prophesied is what Rick Renner covers in today’s broadcast....

Rick Renner - God Raptured Enoch

Rick Renner

Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam and the first of the Old Testament heroes listed in God’s Hall of Faith. The Bible says he walked in such close fellowship with God that one day God raptured him into Heaven. His life is mentioned in four...

Rick Renner - Enoch, Believing for a Rapture

Rick Renner

Do you know the story of God rapturing Enoch? This little-known story is the subject of today’s program with Rick Renner....

Rick Renner - Enoch, Believing for a Personal Rapture

Rick Renner

Enoch was the seventh generation from Adam and the first of the Old Testament heroes listed in God’s Hall of Faith. The Bible says he walked in such close fellowship with God that one day God raptured him into Heaven. His life is mentioned in four...

David Jeremiah - He Walked With God

David Jeremiah

It seems like the amazing lives of so many of the great heroes of the faith were evident at their birth, as was the case with Moses and John the Baptist. But Enoch gives hope for all of us who didn't start out so perfectly. In fact, Enoch did...