Rick Renner - Resisting a Bad Environment

Rick Renner

What should you do if you find yourself in a bad environment that negatively affects you and your faith? Join Rick Renner today to find out....

Rick Renner - Lot, A Man Defeated by His Environment

Rick Renner

What you see and hear can take you either up or down in life. What are you seeing and hearing? Don’t miss this powerful program. It’s a life-changer!...

Rick Renner - The Right Environment

Rick Renner

God chooses a right environment to do a new thing. Join Rick Renner today to find out how to get into a right spiritual environment for your life. It’s been said that “timing is everything.” But along with the right timing, you need to be in the...

Rick Renner - A Balanced Environment

Rick Renner

Having a balance of younger and older leaders is very important when it comes to having a powerful spiritual environment. They bring life, vitality, and stability to a church, making it feel as fresh and exciting as it is well-balanced and...

Rick Renner - Walk Out of Bad Environments

Rick Renner

Hebrews 12:1 says, “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” The phrase...

Rick Renner - Fleeing Evil Environments

Rick Renner

Believers in the Early Church were instructed to flee from all idolatry and refrain from having fellowship with demons, and the same is true for us. Participating in pagan practices exposes us to demonic-infested environments that are detrimental to...

Bill Johnson - The Importance Of Controlling Your Environment

Bill Johnson

As our seasons ebb and flow, so will our needs. There is wisdom in recognizing fragile seasons, times when we may need to narrow our focus in order to gather our strength. During trials in particular, it's beneficial to set our eyes on one...

Rick Renner - Lot: A Man Defeated by His Environment

Rick Renner

What you see and hear can take you either up or down in life. What are you seeing and hearing? This powerful program is a life-changer! Don’t miss it....